Should I lose weight before booking a boudoir session?

Are you considering a 614 Boudoir Photography session but wondering whether you should lose weight first? Let me tell you, as a professional photographer, that the answer is a resounding NO!

You are beautiful just the way you are, and my job as a boudoir photographer is to capture your unique beauty and personality, not to make you conform to society's unrealistic beauty standards. Your size or shape does not define your beauty, and I want to empower you to embrace your body and celebrate yourself just as you are.

Not to mention, losing weight before your session can actually do more harm than good. Crash dieting or extreme exercise regimes can make you feel tired, irritable, and less confident in your own skin. And if you lose a significant amount of weight before your session, you may have trouble recognizing yourself in your images.

Instead, focus on feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Wear clothes that make you feel good, pamper yourself with a relaxing spa day or a massage, and get plenty of rest leading up to your session. Remember, this is a celebration of YOU, and you deserve to feel amazing.

So, girlfriend, do not let anyone tell you that you need to lose weight before your Columbus Ohio boudoir photography session. You are perfect just the way you are, and I cannot wait to capture your beauty and confidence in stunning photographs that you will cherish for a lifetime. Book your session today and let's celebrate your beauty together!