It's Normal To Be Nervous

I understand how nerve-wracking it can be to step out of your comfort zone and get undressed in front of a stranger. The fear of being judged or not feeling comfortable with your body can be overwhelming. But let me tell you, the first step to overcoming your fears is to face them head-on and step outside the box you've created for yourself!

I won't lie— many of my clients feel anxious before we start shooting. However, once we begin, it's like that nervousness just melts, and they feel comfortable and in their element. If you're feeling nervous or insecure about booking your boudoir session, it might be because we haven't gotten to know each other yet. But trust me, I genuinely care about each woman who comes to me, and I work with you to create images that flatter and empower you.

As a curvy, plus-size woman, I understand the fear and shame that can come with body image issues. But through my work with women, I've realized that every single person has insecurities, and I'm capable of helping them see past that. I've fallen in love with this process, and I'm thrilled to do it every single day.

I remember how empowered I felt after my first boudoir session, and it's been incredible to see so many women tell me that they feel more confident about themselves because of the work we do together. It's not just about taking photos; it's about helping you feel like a goddess and showing you how to embrace your beauty.

We'll take care of everything for your boudoir session, from providing a thorough prep guide to use of the studio wardrobe, pro hair and makeup, and I'm always available to answer any questions you may have. During the shoot, I'll coach you through every pose, ensuring that every detail, from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, looks flawless.

So let's work together, girlie. I promise we'll make your boudoir session an unforgettable experience that leaves you feeling beautiful, confident, and empowered.