Confidence References | Columbus Ohio Boudoir Photographer

Have you ever heard of a courage reference? A courage reference is a psychological tool that we all use from time to time to soothe ourselves in a time where we could be anxious. For instance, when you’re about to get a Brazillian wax… you tell yourself, it wasn’t so bad last time, and it’s over really quick, nothing to worry about. What you’re doing is quieting the little voices that were saying “Oh no! It’s going to hurt!”. For the most part, we believe the previous experience over the tiny nay-saying voices in our heads. Boudoir can be like this for us… but I call it a Confidence Reference.

Before you book your sexy photo shoot, you can use a confidence reference to help get over any doubts or fears about booking by thinking about a time when you did something that made you feel amazing about yourself, but you had previously been apprehensive. For instance, maybe your best friend picked out a swimsuit for you that you never thought you could pull off, but when you tried it on, it fit you like a glove and highlighted all your best..assets. Maybe you decided to wear a red lipstick to a work meeting, and it made you feel powerful and in charge. Recalling moments like this when you were unsure of something, but it worked out for the best can help you click that little button and take the leap to booking your very own boudoir session. Pssst! Let me tell you a not-so-secret, many women say they were so nervous but can’t imagine not having done the session and even had wished they’d done it sooner because of the way it made them feel about themselves.

Also, your session can then be your point of reference, or Confidence Reference for the future. Imagine having a really low day, self esteem wise, and you start to doubt yourself, and you feel like a troll, you can think back to the day of your session, what a bombshell you were. Strutting your stuff across the hard wood floors, plat form 4 inch heels clicking beneath you, running your hands through your perfectly curled hair, and smizing for the camera. Tell me that memory doesn’t make you feel like “hell yeah! that’s me!” And you can either choose to keep on your sweatpants and embrace the day as lazy Sunday, top knot, and all, or you can get up, wash your face, put on a little mascara…jeans maybe? And channel your inner Beyonce.

Let me tell you how my session is continuously my Confidence Reference. Above my bed is a 16x24 canvas print of me from a session I did in 2014. Everyday I look at that photo of myself and I see a beautiful woman, I remember how I felt in that moment, completely radiant. I remember that I loved how I looked enough that I wanted to display myself on the wall of my bedroom. And whether it is a day where I am feelin myself or feelin homeless, it doesn’t matter. I have enough confidence that I can rock that dry shampoo, messy bun. chapstick and glasses, long tee shirt and leggings look for today, and know that tomorrow, the next day, or the day after that, I can be the woman in the canvas because honestly, I am her. She is me, and a little makeup and some sexy lingerie isn’t what makes me beautiful. I’m beautiful everyday, some days just have a little more sparkle.

If you’re looking for a Confidence Reference of your own, girl you are in the right place. I will guide you through the process one step at a time, encouraging and empowering you. Here’s how the process works:

STEP ONE: Fill out that form below, and I will send you my full experience guide, and give you a few more details that here.

STEP TWO: You choose a date that works for you and pay your session fee all through my easy peasy online booking system. ((FYI: The session fee is $325, it includes hair and makeup and a one hour session, which is 3 outfits. Images sold separately))

STEP THREE: I send you all the prep tips including a style and lingerie guide to help with shopping and wardrobe, I tell you the timeline of when to get your mani/pedi, waxing, tanning etc.

STEP FOUR: Come in for your session! Bring all the outfits you’ve bought and want to wear or choose from my studio wardrobe. Get your hair and makeup done, drink a mimosa, enjoy the girl talk, relax and trust me to pose you head to toe and make you look true to your sexy self.

STEP FIVE: Choose your favorite images at the same day reveal, and create your own Confidence Reference for future you to look back on with fondness.