Miss S Client Interview | Boudoir photography Columbus Ohio

Miss S came in for her session at the perfect time! So many of my clients right now are having a hard time finding joy and inspiration in everyday, some of us have gained the ‘quarantine 15’, and aren’t feeling ourselves this year. I’m so glad she came in for her session so she could see her self for the goddess she is. Read below to see what she thought of her 614 Boudoir experience!

What motivated you to do a session?

I had two reasons for booking my shoot, first being my ten year anniversary with my husband is this year and I wanted to do something special for him. Second, after a rough year or so I was feeling lost and struggled to see any beauty in myself. 

Are these photos for you, or a gift for someone?

The photos are for my husband, but the shoot was definitely for me.

Before your session, what were you most nervous about?

I was nervous that the pictures wouldn't turn out good because I looked uncomfortable or fat or my stretch marks or cellulite would be taking center stage. 

What was your favorite part of the experience?

I loved everything about it. From the minute I saw myself in full makeup and hair I felt good - I felt pretty which is something I haven't felt in a really long time. I also enjoyed just laughing and talking with Kristin while taking my photos. She made me feel comfortable and at ease. I really loved the reveal, to be honest I didn't realize that I could look that good with no editing!

Where did you shop for your outfits?


After the shoot how did you feel?


What was your initial reaction to your images?

I honestly didn't know I could look like that! I looked confident and beautiful.

Did anything change about how you see yourself?

I remembered who I was. I have two kids and most days I feel like they have consumed my entire identity. Looking at the photos made me remember who I was before kids, and that person is still inside. Just a little more tired these days. 

Now that you've had your session what would you go back and tell yourself to calm your nerves, inspire or empower yourself?

I think I would definitely just tell myself to enjoy the ride. Don't think so much and just take in the experience.

Any advice for someone who might be considering a shoot?

Do it. Don't wait to lose the weight or for your skin to clear up or whatever your goal is. The "right time" may never come, but you deserve to feel good in your skin exactly the way you are. No matter the number on the scale or smoothness of your skin you are a beautiful queen. 

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boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo
boudoir photography columbus, photo shoot, photographer, ohio sexy pics, lingerie photo