Posts in Behind the Lens
What is a Boudoir Session like

One of the first questions an interested client asks me is, "What is a boudoir session like?"

There can often be a misconception about boudoir and every photographer's style is different, so it is a really good question to ask. I will walk you through the process from start to finish here on the blog, but also throughout the actual process of scheduling, wardrobe, shooting, purchasing products and even receiving them.

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my personal story inspired my brand

Growing up, I had really awesome self esteem. I was the chubby kid too which you would think would have held me back, but I was active [I danced until 12, marched in the band in high school] I took a foreign language, and I liked school. I had a lot of versatile friends that kept me cultured. I was smart and happy. My mom always called me a social butterfly. And then something happened. 

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